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Advisory team

We are incredibly lucky to have an advisory team of A-List talent with wide networks and a broad range of expertise.

Ed Jaworowski

International fly fishing authority. Author of four books and hundreds of articles. Writer, photographer and rod-design consultant. Co-star of "The Complete Cast" video. (Order it here).

Lefty Kreh called him "the best teacher of fly casting I have ever known."  Fly Fishers International gave him their Lifetime Achievement in Teaching Fly Casting award.


Dean Harris

Software technologist and entrepreneur in digital media. Bell Labs, Toshiba, Front Porch Video. Emmy award winner. Temple University Computer Science. Youth mentor and advisor to numerous startups. More.



Ben Vear

Entrepreneur, VC due diligence consultant. Big data and AI maven. University of Chicago technology transfer consultant. Kellogg School startup mentor. Competitve rower. More.




Simeon Schnapper

Impact and technology entrepreneur. Founded and led several successful companies in new industries. Pahara Aspen Fellow. More.




Dr. Allison Kessler Vear

Physical rehab expert. Professor, Attending Physician and Spinal Cord Injury Fellow at at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab and Assistant Professor at Northwestern University. More




James Demers

Patent Attorney and partner in Cittone Demers & Ameri, LLP. PhD in Chemistry. Visiting Research Fellow at Princeton. Over 20 years' experience with chemical, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and mechanical patents.  More.  



Peter Giles

Social media, marketing and PR expert. President of Giles Communications since 1986. Manages PR for Yamaha Instruments and many others. Outstanding musician. One-time tennis pro. More.




John Page Williams

Lifelong fisherman and educator, outdoor magazine editor, author, Senior Naturalist for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation 1973 to present.











  • Ed Jaworowski:

Ed Jaworowski photo







  • Dean Harris:

Dean Harris picture




  • Ben Vear

Ben Vear picture





  • Simeon Schnapper

Simeon Schnapper



  • Dr Allison Kessler Vear

    Allison Kessler Vear




  • James Demers

Jim Demers picture





  • Peter Giles

Peter Giles picture





John Page Williams

Picture of John Page Williams